11-13 June 2014
– Cheile Gradistei, Romania –
This course is supported and endorsed by ILAE-CEA and organized under the umbrella of ILAE Romania, in collaboration with Romanian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SRNP), Romanian Society of Neurology (SNR) and Romanian Foundation for Epilepsy and Neurology (RONEP) with support from Rotary OCTO.
Course directors: Dana Craiu, Stanislav Groppa, Alla Guekht
Local Organizing committee : Dana Craiu, Ioana Mindruta, Catrinel Iliescu, Laura Popescu; Sectretary : Florentina Grigore (flore.ronep@yahoo.com)
Scientific Committee: Sandor Beniczky (Denmark), Meir Bialer (Israel), Dana Craiu (RO), Helen Cross (UK), Petia Dimova (Bulgaria), Kyriakos Garganis (Greece), Stanislav Groppa (Rep Moldova), Alla Guekht (Russia), Hrvoje Hecimovic (Croatia), Hans Holthausen (Germany), Catrinel Iliescu (RO), Volodymyr Karytonov (Ukraine), Ioana Mindruta (RO), Krassimir Minkin (Bulgaria), Lorella Minotti (France), Walter van Emde Boas (Netherlands)
Course general information
The 2014 Course offers basic knowledge on epilepsy in children and adults based on interactive clinical case-discussions (participants are invited to send their cases related to the announced topics for review and selection at least 1 month before the curse at flore.ronep@yahoo.com). Lectures offered by the faculty will summarize knowledge. This course has international appeal.
Semiology related to lobe localization (F, T, P, O), EEG in epilepsy, Differential diagnosis, Imaging epilepsy, Treatment (drug therapy and basic knowledge on epilepsy surgery with cases from East-European countries).
Sandor Beniczky (Denmark), Meir Bialer (Israel), Dana Craiu (RO), Helen Cross (UK), Petia Dimova (Bulgaria), Kyriakos Garganis (Greece), Stanislav Groppa (Rep Moldova), Alla Guekht (Russia), Hrvoje Hecimovic (Croatia), Hans Holthausen (Germany), Catrinel Iliescu (RO),Volodymyr Karytonov (Ukraine), Ioana Mindruta (RO), Krassimir Minkin (Bulgaria), Lorella Minotti (France), Walter van Emde Boas (Netherlands)
Target audience
Pediatric neurologists and adult neurologists, neurophysiologists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons with a medium level of expertise in the area of epilepsy care (already dealing with epilepsy patients). The 2014 course aims for 60-80 participants with possibility of extending to 100 if there is request for it.
Venue 2014: Cheile Gradistei, Romania
Cheile Gradistei is situated 3 hours driving from Bucharest airport (direct flights from most European cities and UK) and 2.5 hours away from Sibiu airport (directly connected to some European cities). It is situated in the middle of Romania, Transylvanian area, near Brasov city and 5 km near Bran Castle, the so called “Dracula’s Castle”.
Cheile Gradistei offers a special advantage of isolation in the middle of splendid nature creating the possibility of good interaction among participants and trainers, premises for future collaboration and friendship. Cheile Gradistei is located 5 km near Bran Castle, the so called “Dracula’s Castle”.
Transport to venue: Participant’s arrival is expected the evening before the course (June 10th). Cheile Gradistei is situated 3 hours driving from Bucharest airport (direct flights from most European cities and UK) and 2.5 hours away from Sibiu airport (directly connected to Munich). Due to distance, arrangements will be made for transportation of all participants and trainers From Bucharest to Cheile Gradistei and back within certain time limits (will be further announced).
Accommodation: The course organizers booked 80 rooms in Cheile Gradistei Complex at special prices (included in the course cost).
Cost of the whole course: 400 euro covers:
– Registration fee
– Accommodation: 4 nights in double room (2 participants/room); for single room accommodation, a difference of 20 euro/night should be paid.
– Meals (4 x breakfast + 4 x dinner + 3 x lunch)
– Social programme during course
– Materials for course
20 bursaries offered by CEA-ILAE are available and will cover:
– Accommodation: 4 nights in double room (2 participants/room)
– Meals (4x breakfast + 4 x dinner + 3x lunch)
– Social programme during course
– Materials for course
All bursary recipients will pay a registration fee of 100 euro.
For payment see Booking form.
Criteria for bursary application will include:
1. Participants from East-European countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia); 2. Applicants did not receive an ILAE bursary or do not plan to ask an ILAE bursary during the year 2014. 3. Young trainees will have priority (under age 40).
Bursary applicants should send a CV and recommendation from the head of their clinic until April 25th.
– 25 May 2014 for final registration
– 25 April 2014 – bursary applications (results of selected bursary recipients) – 30 April 2014.
East European Course of Epilepsy
Programme: 11-13 June 2014
This course presents basic knowledge in epilepsy, starting from semiology, syndromes, terminology and etiological diagnosis, differential diagnosis. EEG and imaging aspects in epilepsy will be also presented at basic level. Treatment : when, to whom, what, how to introduce treatment, how to monitor and how to discontinue will be presented discussing drug treatment, alternative treatments (ketogenic diet and VNS) and epilepsy surgery methods.
The theoretical issues will be presented mostly starting from practice – presenting clinical cases, and involving audience in interactive discussions.
Andrei Barborica (RO), Diana Barca (RO), Sandor Beniczky (Denmark), Meir Bialer (Israel), Felix Brehar (RO), Jean Ciurea (RO), Dana Craiu (RO), Helen Cross (UK), Alice Dica (RO), Petia Dimova (Bulgaria), Walter van, Emde Boas (Netherlands), Kyriakos Garganis (Greece), Stanislav Groppa (Rep Moldova), Alla Guekht (Russia), Thea Gutter (Netherlands), Hrvoje Hecimovic (Croatia), Hans Holthausen (Germany), Catrinel Iliescu (RO), Volodymyr Karytonov (Ukraine), Mihai Maliia (RO), Ioana Mindruta (RO), Krassimir Minkin (Bulgaria), Lorella Minotti (France), Cristina Motoescu (RO), Cristina Panea (RO), Oana Tarta-Arsene (RO)
Venue – 10 June, departure 14 June
10.06.2014: VENUE
– 12:00 – 22:00 – Students and Faculty arrival (transport from Bucharest city center / airport to course venue will be organised for all participants and faculty)
– 19.00 – 22.00 – Welcome get-together dinner
Day 1: 11.06.2014
Epilepsy – clinical issues; EEG
08:30 – 09:00: Opening, faculty and students presentation
09:00 – 11:00: Seizure semiology depending to lobe. Chairs: Walter van Emde Boas, Dana Craiu.
Description: faculty will choose the most eloquent videos to allow students to learn to recognise lobe localization, lateralization (pattern recognition). Presentations of cases sent by participants. Discussions while watching videos and after – faculty and students (aim – to actively involve students for ad hoc description pointing to localization). Faculty will end every section with short theoretical summary.
Faculty: Walter van Emde Boas, Helen Cross, Petia Dimova, Hans Holthausen, Lorella Minotti.
– Frontal lobe seizures – H Holthausen, W v Emde Boas
– Central area seizures – H Holthausen
– Temporal lobe seizures – W v Emde Boas
– Parietal lobe seizures – L Minotti
– Occipital lobe seizures – P Dimova, H Holthausen
11:00 – 11:30: Coffee break
11:30 – 13:30: Epileptic syndromes, organization and terminology in epilepsy
Chairs: Helen Cross, Volodymyr Karitonov
11.30– 12.00 – Helen Cross – Discussions on definitions, organization of epilepsies and terminology based on clinical cases
12.00 – 12.30 – Helen Cross – Electroclinical epileptic syndromes – overview
12.30– 13.00 – Volodymyr Karytonov – Is it epileptic or non-epileptic?
13.00 – 13.30 – Oana Tarta-Arsene, Diana Barca – Overview of non-epileptic phenomenon
13:30 – 15:00: Lunch
15.00 – 16.45: Status epilepticus, EEG in epilepsy
Chairs: Stanislav Groppa, Sandor Beniczky
15.0 – 15.45 – Stanislav Groppa – Status Epilepticus.
15.45– 16.15 – Walter van Emde Boas – EEG – sensitivity, specificity, indications.
16.15 – 16.45 – Sandor Beniczky – Getting more info out of the conventional recordings.
16:45 – 17:15: Coffee break
17:15 – 18:45: EEG in epilepsy
Chairs: Thea Gutter, Bogdan Florea
17.15 – 17.45. – Thea Gutter – Practical issues in EEG in epilepsy (electrodes, montages, procedure – routine examination)
17.45– 18.15 – Thea Gutter – Provocation methods in EEG
18.15 – 18.45 – Bogdan Florea – EEG in the intenssive care setting
Day 2: 12.06.2014
Defining etiology in epilepsy; Treatment – when, how, what?
8.30 – 11.00. Defining etiology in epilepsy – emphasis on neuroimaging (whom, , when, what to reccommend)
Chairs: Alla Guekht, Catrinel Iliescu
8.30 – 8.45: Defining etiology in epilepsy (etiological cathegories – terminology, concepts) (with examples – interactive) – Helen Cross
8.45 – 9.30 – Catrinel Iliescu. Imaging epilepsy: whom, when and what to reccommend
9.30 – 11.00 – Virgil Ionescu, Catrinel Iliescu, Oana Tarta-Arsene, Diana Barca, Cristina Motoescu, Carmen Burloiu, Alice Dica, Carmen Sandu, Nina Butoianu, Cristina Pomeran, Dana Craiu – Structural etiology in epilepsy.
During this part there will be small – 10 min interactive presentations starting from clinical cases with different etiologies aiming:
– Pattern recognition while imaging epilepsy
– Understanding what type of imaging, when to reccommend and what for
– Understanding causality lesion – epilepsy
– Thinking cases in day to day practice (TSC, vascular, trauma, inflammatory, immune, infectious, malformative + migration disorders, tumoral, metabolic, HS, HH) .
11.00 -11.30: Coffee break
11.30 -13.00 Treatment – when, how, what?
Chairs: Carmen Burloiu, Ioana Mindruta
11.30 – 12.00 – Alla Guekht – First seizure management
12.00 – 13.00 – Catrinel Iliescu, Dana Craiu – General issues concerning treatment in epilepsy (When and whom to introduce, what to choose, what to avoid – variables to discuss: syndrome, etiology, sex, age)
13.00 – 13.30 – Cristina Panea – Resistant epilepsy – definition and management
13.30 – 15.00 – Lunch
15.00 – 16.30: Antiepileptic drug treatment management
Chairs: Dana Craiu, Meir Bialer
15.00 – 15.30 – Mihaela Vintan – Monitoring the patient with antiepileptic drug treatment (How often? How? If/when to perform lab tests?)
15.30 – 16.00 – Dana Craiu. Compliance to antiepileptic drug treatment
16.00 – 16.30 – Meir Bialer – Drug interactions in patients with epilepsy (antiepileptic drugs interactions – which are the best/worst combinations and why; interactions of antiepileptic medication with other drugs in patients with other diseases; interactions with contraceptive medication).
16.30 – 17.00 – Coffee break
17.00 – 18.30 – Antiepileptic drug treatment and alternative treatments
Chairs: Carmen Sandu, Felix Brehar
17.00 – 17.30 – Meir Bialer – Original versus generic AEDs
17.30 – 18.00 – Dana Craiu – Drug treatment discontinuation – when, how and to whom to stop?
18.00 – 18.30 – Carmen Sandu – Alternative treatments – Ketogenic diet
18.30 -19.00 – Felix Brehar, Mircea Gorgan – Vagus nerve stimulation (what is it, how does it work, how to implant, results)
Day 3: 13.06.2014
Treatment – epilepsy surgery
Invited Speakers: Petia Dimova, Kyriakos Garganis, Hans Holthausen, Lorella Minotti, Krassimir Minkin
09:00 – 11:00 – General issues concerning epilepsy surgery.
Chairs: Ioana Mindruta, Jean Ciurea
09.00 – 09.30 – Hrvoje Hecimovic – Presurgical evaluation – what is this about? Steps, team, organization.
09.30 – 10.00 – Petia Dimova (BG), Alice Dica (RO), Dana Craiu (RO) – The lesion is always the site of epilepsy?
10.00 – 10.30. – Timing in presurgical evaluaton in childhood – Hans Holthausen
10.30 – 11.00. – Ioana Mindruta – Invasive vs non-invasive presurgical evaluation in epilepsy surgery
11.00 -11.30 – Coffee break
11.30 -13.00 – FCD – the most frequent cause of surgically remediable epilepsy?
Chairs: Kyriakos Garganis, Petia Dimova
11.30 – 12.00 – Lorella Minotti – Presurgical evaluation in adult patients centered on FCD
12.00 – 12.30 – Hans Holthausen – Presurgical evaluation in pediatric patients centered on FCD
12.30 – 13.00 – Kyriakos Garganis – Frontal lobe epilepsy related to FCD
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 – Epilepsy surgery in East European countries – were are we?
Chairs: Lorella Minotti, Hrvoje Hecimovic
14.00. – 14.30 – Ioana Mindruta – Survey – Epilepsy surgery in East European countries – past and present (Survey participants Petia Dimova (Bulgaria), Kyriakos Garganis (Greece), Stanislav Groppa (Rep Moldova), Alla Guekht (Russia), Hrvoje Hecimovic (Croatia), Volodymyr Karytonov (Ukraine), Dana Craiu (RO), Ioana Mindruta (RO).
14.30 – 15.00 – Krassimir Minkin – Bitemporal epilepsy – how did we solve it?
15.00 – 15.30 – Ioana Mindruta – Epilepsy related to FCD in functional areas
15:30 – 16.00 : Coffee break
16:00 – 17:20 – Epilepsy surgery – Learn from mistakes – are there such cases as easy cases?
Chairs: Krassimir Minkin, Ioana Mindruta
16.00 – 16.30 – M Maliia, I Mindruta, A Barborica, J Ciurea, C Donos, A Rasina, A Ciurea – Clinical Case – adult epilepsy surgery
16.30 – 17.00 – O Tarta-Arsene, C Motoescu, D Craiu – Clinical Case – Pediatric epilepsy surgery
17:00 – 17:20 – Course closure – conclusions, final remarks, course evaluation results
17: 30 – 19:00 – Visit to Bran Castle/ vs Dambovicioara cave
19:00 – 24:00 – Fare well party at Vila Bran with fire outside, barbeque, dancing
Breakfast and departure of participants – transport to the airport
Booking Form
Title | |
First Name | |
Surname | |
Position | |
Place of Work | |
Address for correspondence | |
Telephone | |
Please write your email address very clearly so that we are able to read it. We will email information to you before the course.
– 25 May 2014 for final registration
– 25 April 2014 – bursary applications (results of selected bursary recipients – 30 April 2014)
I would like to attend the following:
BURSARY 100 Euro
Please book accommodation for me (1 place in double room) arriving on__________________ and departing on __________________ (included in registration fee)
Please book accommodation for me (single room) arriving on________________ and departing on ________________________ for:
4 nights – € 80 additional fee
Gender (important for room allocation):____ __________________________________________
Costs include 4 nights accommodation for course, all meals, registration fee, any course material and social programme.
Please arrange for transfers to / from International Airport Henry Coanda Bucharest.
My flight details are:
Arrival date: __________________ Arrival time: __________________
Flight number: __________________ Flying from: __________________
Departure date: __________________ Departure time: __________________
Flight number: __________________ Flying from: Bucharest
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements (food allergies etc) or if you are a vegetarian or vegan so that we can make provision for you. For vegetarians, please specify if you eat cheese or other products from milk.
_____________________________________________________________________ ___________
Payment must be made at the time of your booking.I have paid by bank transfer to „Fundatia Romana de Neurologie si Epileptologie, RONEP”
Address: Str Mr Ionescu Atanase nr.43, sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania
Bank: BCR Sucursala Mihai Bravu,
Bank address: Soseaua Mihai Bravu nr 172 Bl.230, sector 2, Bucuresti Romania
IBAN (lei): RO 44 RNCB 0084 0107 6462 0001
IBAN (euro): RO 44 RNCB 0084 0107 6462 0004
Romanian trainees may pay lei at National Bank exchange rate of the day of payment or euro.
All the other trainees will only pay euro.
By e-mail: flore.ronep@yahoo.com , by fax or post to:
Mrs. Florentina Grigore
Pediatric Neurology Clinic
Al Obregia Hospital
Sos Berceni 10
Sector 4, Bucharest, Romania
Fax: 004 021 3347994
Announcement East European Course of Epilepsy – Romania 2014